You find photos to buy using either the Galleries, or Search Tool. You access the Galleries by using the menu at the left. If it is not visible, then click on the menu
icon at the upper left.
We provide two product types available for purchase: Fine Art Prints (with or without frames) and Digital Photos (as Royalty Free Licenses). Photo Comps are available for download as a complementary offering.
You can order photos online using this website, by email requests, or with our assistance.
If you simply contact us we'll respond with requests for more information if needed, and provide you with a price quote for you to approve before we place your order for you.
Online ordering is the quickest way to buy, and its ideal for repeat customers who want to keep track of their orders.
The basic steps for buying photos online are:
- Click on any or buttons found under all Gallery, Lightbox, and Search Results thumbnail photos.
- This will take you to the Product Options page where you will choose the product type: Print/Frame or Digital Photo and add it to your Shopping Cart
- Once you have your Shopping Cart the way you want it, you'll need to log in or sign up for an account
- Then you'll choose your shipping method (if required), enter any comments, and choose your payment method. (Credit/Debit,Paypal,Check).
- After entering your payment information and clicking on the 'Pay with...' button, you'll end up on our Thank You page. If you choose to pay via PayPal, there will be a link here to Paypal to complete the payment process
- We'll ship your order as soon as we receive a payment verification or your mailed check.
Payments can be made by credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex)
, Paypal, ACH (automated clearing house) online check, or by mailed checkbook check. Fine Art Prints shipping methods and costs are chosen at checkout. Digital Royalty-Free Images are delivered via email with no shipping cost and some smaller sizes are free.
Regardless of how you order, you'll receive an email confirmation that your order has been received. As soon as we received payment, we'll attach your (JPEG) photo to an email message (or send you a CD if you want it in high quality TIFF format).
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Buying Process
- You can buy photos straight from the Galleries, Featured Galleries, Related Galleries, your Lightbox, or by using the Search Tool, by first clicking on the or buttons found at the bottom of each photo preview popup.
- You'll then be taken to the 'Order Options' page where you choose which product option, like size, and its price and the quantity you wish to purchase. Clicking on the button will display the current contents of your shopping cart, which you can revisit anytime by clicking on the Shopping Cart link in the header.
- When you first view your shopping cart, if you haven't already logged in or signed up for an account, you first need to click on either the button to log in or the button to sign up for a new account.
- Once you are satisfied with the contents of your shopping cart, double check your order total, then choose your preferred shipping method (if required), e.g. UPS Economy. Then you can enter any instructions or comments and then choose your Payment Method: Credit/Debit card, Paypal, Check Online, or Checkbook.
- After choosing your Payment Method, you fill in the required entries and click on the 'Pay With...' button.
- The last page you'll see during the ordering process is the 'Order Confirmation' page which confirms that your order has been placed. Here you can see the details of your order as well as click on the to see your invoice
You can also click on the button at the bottom of each photo preview popup to collect photos from the Galleries or Search Tool into your own personal Lightbox workspace before you decide to buy them.
You access your Lightbox by pressing the Your Lightbox link found in the header of all pages. If you want the contents of your Lightbox to be saved, so they're available next time you visit, you'll have to 'Sign In' to Your Account if you have one or 'Sign Up' for a new one if you don't by clicking on the links in the footer.
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Exploring Photos
There are two tools for finding and exploring photos: Galleries, and the Search Tool. Each of these tools allow you to review photos, and optionally to view a large comp version of the photo.
Using the Galleries
Using the Search Tool
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Payment Method
Payments can be made by credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex)
, Paypal, ACH (automated clearing house) online check, or by mailed checkbook check. Fine Art Prints shipping methods and costs are chosen at checkout. Digital Royalty-Free Images are delivered via email with no shipping cost and some smaller sizes are free.

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Delivery Method
How your purchase gets delivered depends on whether it is a Digital Photo or a Print (with or without frame). Digital Photos are delivered immediately as an email attachment as soon as payment is verified. Prints and frames are shipped, depending upon the shipping method (e.g. UPS Economy) you choose and arrive from 6 (prints only) to 9 days (prints with frames).
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